Senior BD Manager, Sunshine (Tianjin) Produce Limited, China

Photo_Charles Ma
Tuesday | 11:15 AM – 12:15 PM – BRAZIL NUTS AND PINE NUTS ROUND TABLE: Charles Ma

Charles Ma, the Senior Business Development Manager of Sunshine (Tianjin) Produce Limited. He started working in the food industry in 2010, and he joined Sunshine in 2016 as the Asian Pacific region’s sales manager.

Sunshine is a company established by Mr. Chen Liyuan in 1992. A company who is a pioneer in Seeds, Nuts & Dried Fruit industry, and nowadays a leader in terms of both market share and food safety technology. Moreover, Sunshine has established three branch companies in Germany, the USA and the UK for the local spot market and better services.

Sunshine has been committed to producing high quality ingredients for the bakery and snack industry with a wide range of products, which includes Pine Nuts, Pumpkin Seeds, Sunflower Seeds, Watermelon Seeds, Hemp Seeds, Buckwheat, Raisins & Goji Berries, and has established stable business relationship with esteemed world class food companies.

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