Executive Manager, GWK, South Africa

Photo_Andreas Snyman
May 22, 2023 | 12:45 AM – 1:45 PM – PEANUTS AND PECANS ROUND TABLE: Andreas Snyman

Andreas Snyman grew up on a farm in the Northern Cape province of South Africa. He completed an Honors degree in Soil Science, Agronomy, and Irrigation design at the University of the Free State. In 1994 he started working at GWK Limited as an agronomist, working with irrigation farmers. Since 1996 Andreas has been involved in the production, processing, marketing, and management of GWK’s peanut business. Over the years he has been responsible for the processing, marketing, and business management of various agricultural commodities, such as maize, wheat, barley, alfalfa, and cotton. GWK’s pecan business started in 2010. This includes the procurement, processing, and marketing of pecan nuts in the international market. Currently Andreas is Head of GWK International, which focuses on the trading of commodities including pecan nuts and peanuts.

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