MALLORCA, May 8-10, 2025


Professor, Departments of Nutritional Sciences and Medicine, University of Toronto, Canada

Photo_Dr John L Sievenpiper
Wednesday | 12:45 PM – 1:30 PM – Guest Speaker Nutrition Seminar, Dr. John L. Sievenpiper, Leveraging Nut-Containing Plant-Based Dietary Patterns for Cardiometabolic Health: Moving From Evidence to Guidelines to Clinical Practice

Despite the gains made with smoking cessation and new medications, we are confronted with a rapidly increasing global pandemic of obesity and diabetes driving increases in premature coronary heart disease, the leading cause of death globally. To address this massive unmet prevention and treatment challenge, clinical practice guidelines for nutrition therapy are moving away from nutrient-based (e.g. “low fat”) to food- and dietary pattern- based recommendations. Nuts and nut-containing plant- based/plant-forward dietary patterns (Mediterranean, Nordic, vegetarian, DASH and Portfolio) have become a major focus of recommendations. Although the evidence for specific cardiometabolic benefits is recognized to be stronger for some dietary patterns more than others (e.g. Mediterranean diet for CV reduction, Portfolio diet for lipid control, DASH diet for blood pressure control, etc.), no one dietary pattern has been identified as best for all individuals. As adherence is the most important determinant of achieving the benefit of any dietary pattern, the overarching guidance is to personalize nutrition therapy to achieve the greatest adherence over the long term. To assist with the implementation of nut-containing dietary patterns in this context, innovative patient and physician engagement tools (infographics and mobile health apps with tracking, gamification, nudging/health coaching, educational resources, etc.) are being developed and tested with the potential to revolutionize healthcare delivery and improve outcomes.

Dr. Sievenpiper is a Clinician Scientist who holds appointments as a Professor at the University of Toronto and Staff Physician and Scientist at St. Michael’s Hospital. He has established an internationally recognized research program focused on using randomized controlled trials and epidemiological approaches to address questions of clinical and public health importance in relation to diet and cardiometabolic disease prevention. He is the recipient of numerous awards. He is directly involved in clinical practice guidelines development for obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease with appointments to expert committees in Canada and Europe. He has authored >270 papers.

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