Congress Sponsors

Sponsor Now

DAY ONE (71)

Main Congress & Gala Dinner

Be the host at the events’ grand finale and gain brand recognition in front of over 1,000 people on the big night.

DAY TWO (75)

Casual Buffet Dinner

The casual buffet dinner is one of the most anticipated events. It is a fantastic way to display your company in a relaxing atmosphere.

DAY ONE (80)

Welcome Cocktail

Held on the first day of the Congress, the Welcome Cocktail gathers participants for a fabulous evening centered on networking. 

Meeting Area (3 days)

Meeting Area (3 days)

The Meeting Area is the go-to spot for the more than 1,500 Congress delegates to connect and meet with business peers.



Lanyards are handed out to all INC Congress participants, meaning your brand will receive great exposure each day of the Congress.


Congress Bag

The Congress Bag is given to each registered participant. Show off your company on this merchandise to get brand recognition.

All Day Coffee

All Day Coffee: (One day)

Sponsor one of our All Day Coffees on May 8, 9 or 10 at the official coffee stop for the INC Congress which gives your company visibility to the hundreds of participants that make a stop each day.

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Working Buffet Lunch

Working Buffet Lunch: (One day)

Sponsor one of our Working Buffet Lunches held each day of the Congress and put your brand at the forefront of hundreds of delegates.

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Water Bottle

Refillable and sustainable water bottles handed out to congress participants.


Shuttle Bus

Company logo displayed inside the shuttle buses.


Sponsored Panel Sessions

Companies can promote their brand and present new projects and technologies that will be beneficial for the entire industry to aid in the sustainable growth of the sector.

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Congress Folder/Notebook

Congress Folder/Notebook

The Congress Folder/Notebook is handed out to every single registered participant of the INC Congress.

Welcome Banner

Welcome Banner: (Open for up to three sponsors)

Get a prime location for your company’s logo at the entrances of the INC Congress and be seen by everyone who enters.

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Golf & Tennis Tournament

Golf & Tennis Day

The Golf & Tennis Day is a pre-congress event that encourages networking in a relaxed atmosphere.

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Hospitality Team

Hospitality Team

The Hospitality Team is one of the first encounters for all INC Congress delegates as they register and get ready for the event.

Sponsored by:

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Online Meeting Point: (Open for up to two sponsors)

The Online Meeting Point is the virtual point of networking and organizing meetings during the INC Congress.

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Congress Mobile Website

The Congress Mobile Website is the official site for the INC Congress and is used by hundreds of attendees.

Exclusive Gift

Congress Bag Insert

Sponsors of the Congress Bag Insert are able to provide a sample which will be distributed to all participants of the INC Congress. Inserts are provided by the company and distributed by the INC on registration.

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Standard Congress

Standard Congress

A Standard Congress sponsorship promotes your company on the official Congress banner displayed all over the congress and in communications.

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