TechnoServe, Presents Cajù Dashboard for the INC Innovation Awards


The Cajù Dashboard is a fully responsive web-based platform designed with cutting-edge technologies to support cashew actors in Benin. The dashboard aims to meet the needs of cashew stakeholders’ capacity building, good agricultural practices and efficient decision-making.

Displayed as a map, this software solution makes it possible to visualize information about the cashew sector at a glance, from the national to the plantation level, even in the most remote cashew nut growing area. Combining geo-referencing and artificial intelligence, the Dashboard leverages ground data and machine learning on remote sensing data (drones and satellites) to make technical and commercial recommendations for the development of the cashew sector.

The Dashboard ensures different data sources are used to develop a rich database that helps provide great insight into the cashew sector. From the intuitive map view, the user is able to see data layers such as existing cashew nursery locations, plantation locations, boundaries, cashew growing areas, protected areas, key statistics at the cashew plantation and administrative location level, tree density, tree crowns and training data. These data layers make it possible to develop recommendations on good agricultural practices, training and new nursery establishment locations.

The dashboard is an integrated platform that can incorporate APIs and connectors from other digital cashew applications. This is the case, for example, with the integration of data from the Cajù Quality App, which provides cashew nut quality indicators such as kernel outturn ratio by region. Should it be added, the dashboard is ready to host a feature for carbon sequestration.

The Cajù Dashboard is a tool for getting a full view of the cashew sector in Benin. The BeninCajù program and TechnoServe Labs, in collaboration with the University of Minnesota, built this modern scalable app.

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